here to read testimonials
Blast those scary bats
out of your attic
You pay nothing if these devices fail to
get rid of your bats. Give us a try! If you are
not satisfied with your purchase we will refund every dime charged to
your card. We keep nothing, no fees, no shipping, and no handling.
We want you to be a satisfied customer so you will refer us to
others. Over the past 18 years we have helped thousands of people solve
their bat nuisance problem. Our knowledgeable staff can help you be
successful too. Offering a great product and 110% customer service we hope
to earn your business and recommendations. (
Free trial policy details) .
We offer a discounted price if you purchase 3 or more units. We have learned that if you saturate the bat infested area with multiple units you will get rid of the bats faster and more efficiently.
The Attack Wave Bat Repelling device is an effective, user friendly and environmentally safe way to combat bats. The device produces strong sound pressure in the air, attacking the auditory and nervous systems of bats causing them to abandon their food sources and shelters (Your Home). An affordable and effective bat removal solution.
Limitations of these devices:
• The ultrasonic sounds broadcast will not penetrate walls, doors, insulation, glass, etc.
• These units must be placed in the very same space where the bats are living or resting.
• It is important to have multiple broadcast points.
• In the normal attic you should have at least 2 units and preferably 3 to 5 units if the attic has separate areas.
• We have learned over many years that when targeting bats, you will need to have the device within about 10 feet of the bats. I would recommend having one device for every 400 to 500 sq. ft. of area.
• Attack Wave Bat Repelling device utilizes automatic wave variation, minimizing the chance that the bats become immune to the sound.
• Inaudible and harmless to humans and most common pets.
• These units operate totally chemical and battery free, making it the easiest way to keep bats on the run.
• We include additional detailed instructions for how to get rid of bats with each purchase.
*Do not use in the presence of Gerbils, Hamsters, Guinea Pigs, and other rodent pets.
Let our devices and our advice help you get rid of your bat problem. Many
people are scared of bats, but they are very good to have around. They keep the
bug and mosquito population down. Of course you already knew bats were
good to have around, but you just don't want them in your house making noise and
excreting messes. The damage can be extensive.
Do these ultrasonic devices really drive bats
away? Click here for the answer.
These Attack Wave ultrasonic bat repelling devices are designed with
"Sweeping scale technology" an advanced ultrasonic broadcast
management feature and Electromagnetic pulse generator This unique
sweeping scale technology protocol causes the devices to plays a random set of
frequencies, pitches and volume intensities. This is all done
automatically. You will not need to make any adjustments or settings.
Basically these devices will get rid of your bats by driving them
Bat houses
will help provide an alternative place for the bat to roost (Click
here details)
Click Here for International 220/240 volt AttackWave units
Weatherproof for outdoor use

YardGard bat blaster.
This unit is weather proof , therefore it can be used outside to drive the bats
away. YardGard comes with a 50 ft extension cord and adapter.
The YardGard protector is highly effective for pest
control. This electronic yard protector uses adjustable, powerful sonic
and ultrasonic sound waves to repel dogs, cats, deer, rabbits, raccoons,
squirrels, opossums, armadillos, skunks, bats, rodents other creatures
and bugs.
The YardGard is humane and effective, ideal for yards,
gardens, porches, buildings and greenhouses, for up to 4,000 square feet of
coverage (oval pattern, 80 feet out from unit and 50 feet wide). It is dual
power-source capable with standard 110 electrical plug or 4 "C"
batteries. Batteries not included.
We carry commercial level Bat
repelling unit that range in price from $495.00 to $595.00.
here for more information.
these ultrasonic devices work:
of yourself renting an apartment in a quiet neighborhood.
Then one day the apartment next to you is rented by a rock band.
They fight, yell, throw beer cans against the walls and play very loud
rock music every night all night long. You
can put up with it for a while, but you will soon be looking for a different
place to live.
These devices will flood the area with
ultrasonic waves (silent to us), but very annoying to the bats.
We humans can and sometimes do tolerate a very noisy environment to buy a
hot dog on the other side of the construction zone, but will generally seek a
more peaceful place to dine.
Some teenagers even pay money to have their ears blasted at a rock
concert, but bats when given a
choice will seek a quiet and peaceful environment to sleep.
That is the way these devices work to drive the bats away.
It simply disturbs their sleep and they soon
start looking for a better place to live.
Will ultrasonic pest repelling devices really cover 5000 sq. ft.? Only
if you live in a glass bell! Click
here for explanation.
Question: Will the electromagnetic pulse feature drive the
bats out of walls?
Question: Does the Sweeping scale or Scanning scale technology feature of these
bat repelling devices really drive the bats
So, how many units do I need?
Click for answers to these and other questions about the bat repelling devices
here to read testimonials from some of
our customers for this bat repelling device.
Bat control
without poison bait, traps or pesticides. Ultrasonic Bat control is
fast, safe and effective. Click
here to read testimonials from some of our customers for this bat repelling device.
We know, all companies make
various claims about their products. Who do you believe? We
say, believe your own experience. The point is, if this device solves
your problem we are both happy, but if it fails you return the product and pay
nothing. We don't just want to sell you a product one time. We want you to be
pleased with our products and service so you will recommend us to your friends
and family.
Why choose this
device over the bat repelling devices that look like a
little black box? This device is completely silent, they are not.
This device fits neatly against the wall, they do not. This device has a
night light and is an attractive unit that can be used for general pest control
after the bats are gone.
Bat repelling units are completely silent to humans, so it would be the best
choice if you need to place the device where sound might be irritating to you.
Our multi-function deluxe pest repeller with test feature, night-light,
electromagnetic pulse and Scale sweeping technologies are very effective. This
device is recommended for repelling ants, BATS,
crickets, fleas, mice, moths, rats, roaches, and ticks. You will not find
any reference to bat repelling in the manufacture’s literature, but we have
learned from our customers that this device really works
well for bats. We are not just selling you a product… We are hoping to
help you solve your bat infestation problem without you spending thousands of
dollars relocating the bats and remodeling your house because of the damage.
Also, since bats are an important part of insect control in your area, we
don’t want to harm them—we just want them to leave your house!
Also, you want NO problems with environmental concerns!
- Dual function broadcast
- Plugs into any standard 110V
wall outlet.
- Night light built into bottom
of unit.
- Sweeping technology
- Electromagnetic pulse
- UL listed.
- You will have a nice looking
device to use for general household pest control after the
bats are gone.
Specific instructions on how to
best get rid of bats will be enclosed with the device
when shipped. The Manufacture does not promote this device for bats, but over the
last seven years we have learned from our customers that it is very good for
getting rid of bats.

Get rid of Bats without pesticide chemicals.
do you know if you are taking pesticides into your body?
If you touch the chemical almost all pesticides will absorb very rapidly
through the skin into the blood stream. If you can smell the pesticide, rest
assured that a small or large amount is getting into your blood stream through
your upper respiratory mucosal membrane. We are constantly told how safe these
chemicals are, but in the second breath told not to breathe them, not to touch
them, not to ingest them and to lock them up safely away from our pets and
children. Now, how safe do you really believe them to be?
Since bats are actually an important part of insect control in an
area…(.a bat community consumes hundreds of POUNDS of mosquitoes each night
!)… We encourage you to put up bat houses
near by to give the bats a good alternative place to live.
Click here to view our unique Bat
House, it is really nice.
Here are the benefits
1st and Foremost,Inc hopes to provide for you:
1. We will send the devices to you and let you use them for a full 60 days.
If the devices do not solve your bat problem you send them back and we will
refund every dime charged to your card. We keep nothing, no fees, no shipping,
and no handling. We want you to be a
satisfied customer so you will refer us to others.. If it solves your
problem we both will be happy.
2. You will use less poison bait or pesticides around you home or family.
3. You will not have bat droppings, odor, and the noise that bats make.
4. We promise that our service will be prompt and courteous. Our goal is
110% customer service satisfaction.
Hodges,R.Ph. of
and Foremost, inc. internet marketing
and your tile roof If the bats are getting under
the tiles of your roof you may need to use the much more powerful
commercial unit. The Utrason-X. Click here
for picture and detail on the Ultrason-X This unit cost