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Ultrason Bat repelling device. a programmable outdoor ultrasonic bat or bird repelling device.
Great for repelling and getting rid of Fruit
Bats, but does not harm them.
First-ever ultrasonic Bat repellent device for EXTERIOR USE.
Unique “silent to humans” harassments get rid of bats for good.
Targets these pests with unrelenting newest-technology ultrasonic waves!
This powerful sound attack forces them to leave for good, yet it is harmless to them
or the environment.
Heavy-duty “surround sound”. Separate control box plus four powerful directional speakers (each with 100’ of wire) offer greatest all-around flexibility.
Easy Operation. 110volts AC electricity or 220 volts AC, adaptor included.
USX-110 Ultrason-Bat 110vAC $589.95 +
S&H or USX-220 Ultrason-Bat 220vAC $609.95 +
S&H The shopping cart will calculate
S&H before you add any personal information.
Unique ULTRASONIC SOUNDS guard your property all day and night, like a silent security guard. Sounds move from speaker to speaker, delivering a constant, menacing multi-bird defense.
Coverage. 3600 square feet; 900 sq ft from each speaker.
Programmable. High, Medium & Low frequencies plus variations offer a customizable solution
1. Please request shipping cost to your area by emailing us at
2. We will need a your detailed address and shipping preference in order to calculate shipping cost.
3. All international orders must be paid via bank wire transfer. We will
provide instructions when needed.
4. We do not refund or reemburse shipping cost for international orders. Return authorization is required on all returns.
If you are in the United States click here for
US order page and instructions.
Dimensions Control Unit 9" x 9" x 5" speakers 4" x 4" x 6"
Speakers 8 ohms, 30 watts
Weight 15 pounds
Coverage Up to 3600 square feet
Power Requirements 110vAC (220vAC available upon request)
Sound Pressure 95-102 dB (each speaker) @ 1 meter
Frequency 15-25 KHz
Compliance Supply power source is UL and CE listed.
EPA Est. 075130-OR-001
here for information about BATS |
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