Get rid
of rats without poison bait, traps or poisons.
Rat control is fast, safe and effective.
pay nothing if these devices fail to get rid of your rats. Give
us a try!
here for larger picture and specification for AttackWave™
Get rid of rats, control without Pesticide

How do you know if you are
taking pesticides into your body? We need
to do every thing we can to minimize the use of toxic, but necessary chemicals
around our families. If you touch the chemical almost all pesticides will absorb
very rapidly through the skin into the blood stream. If you can smell the
pesticide, rest assured the chemicals is getting into your blood stream through
you upper respiratory mucosal membrane. Inhalation is a fast directed pathway
into the blood stream second only to intravenous injection. We are constantly
told how safe these chemicals are, but in the second breath told not to breath
them, not to touch them, don't ingest them and lock them up safely away from our
pets and children. Now, how safe do you really believe them to be?
These Ultrasonic/Electromagnetic devices are one more tool we can
use in the never-ending battle of pest control.
Other methods to improve your
fight against pests
- Clean
up any spilt food or substance pest might consider as food.
- Store
food in airtight rresealable containers.
- Make
sure you don’t have any plumbing leaks. Look under sinks and around
- Check
for sweating pipes that may be providing a water supply to the pest.
These sweating pipes may need to be wrapped.
- Plug
up any hole or crack you find where a pest can inter your home.
Make sure doors and windows seal.
- Buy
electronic pest control devices from us and give them a try. Taking
advantage or our free trial offer.
Pest control
with Ultrasonic/Electro-magnetic Technologies
Ultrasonic pest repelling devices attempts to make the environment
uncomfortable for the bats so they will find another place to live.
This type of device puts out ultrasonic waves from 27,000 Hz to 85,000 Hz
depending on the model. The sound
compression level is 115 to 180 decibel depending on the model and technique of
measurements. Now, that’s a lot
of noise. Normal conversation is
about 65 decibels and the pain threshold for humans is 120 decibels.
Thank goodness our ears are not able to detect sound in the ultrasonic
ranges put out by these devices. These
devices will flood the area with
ultrasonic (silent to us) waves which will bounce in all direction.
We humans can and sometimes do tolerate a very noisy environment.
Some teenager even pay money to have their ears blasted at a rock
concert. Most people when given a
choice will seek a quiet and peaceful environment to eat, sleep or just relax.
That’s the idea behind ultrasonic/Electro-magnetic pest control.
The claim is not that these devices are 100% effective, but that they are
another tool to help in the fight against the bothersome and sometime diseased
Electro-magnetic feature pushed by many companies alters the magnetic field
around the wiring in your home. The
companies that use this technology add the feature to their more expensive pest
control devices to drive pest out of the walls in addition to the ultrasonic
broadcast trying to repel a larger area not limited by walls.
There have been many empirical claims by manufactures and customers, but
very little scientifically controlled, peer reviewed studies to prove it's
effectiveness. As of this year some
manufactures have made an agreement with the Federal Trade Commission to stop
making claims as to it's effectiveness until further studies are made. The
attack wave rodent repelling device does not use the Electro-magnetic function.
It uses a high output ultrasonic system. I think what makes this device
effective is the fact that it is designed to be place along the baseboards of
the room where the mice and rats tend to run. They are more likely to get
a full blast of the ultrasound.
Do we propose to Get rid of rats totally
without chemicals?
Not really, but if we can reduce the frequency and volume of pesticides used
we will make our homes a safer place to live. By driving the pest out of our
homes we can apply the chemicals outside where they will be much less of a
health risk.
Here are the benefits 1st and
Foremost,Inc hopes to provide for you.
1. Keep in mind we offer a Free trial. Review the complete policy by clicking the
Free trial Policy link in the left column. If it solves your problem we both will be
2. You will use less poison bait or pesticides around you home or family.
3. You will not have that pesky damage and odor that rats do to your home.
4. We promise that our service will be prompt and courteous. Our goal is
110% customer service satisfaction.
Tips for Control - The best way to avoid invasions of rats is to (1) provide
as little harborage as possible that might attract rodents, and (2) seal as many
holes and cracks in the outside of the home as possible through which rats might
enter. The following recommendations should be followed to help prevent rats
from seeking the food and shelter provided by your home:
· Keep firewood stored as far from the home as possible and store it off the
ground. During the winter, store only enough wood next to the house to burn
every couple of days.
· If possible, remove any piles of debris, stones, bricks, etc. If these are
near the foundation of the home they serve as harborages to attract rodents.
Once there, it is any easy step for rodents to enter the building itself.
· Seal any hole or crack larger than one-fourth of an inch. Large holes or
cracks should be stuffed with steel wool or wire mesh before sealing with caulk
or foam, otherwise rodents could chew through to enter.
· Install a good thick weather stripping on the bottom of all doors to
prevent rodents from entering. The garage door may prove difficult to seal
completely, so the door from the garage to the house must be sealed tightly.